Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fast 5K

Run like a bunny.

On January 15 a few of us from CrossFit Cedar City went and ran a 5k in St. George. I haven’t run a 5k for a long time. I haven’t really been running at all in fact. I did the Redrock Relay in September and that was three runs, about 5, 5, and 2.5 miles I think. So I was interested to see how I would do with mostly Crossfit training. I ran a 24:29, which I think is a personal best. What seemed the most amazing to me is that I ran under 8 minute miles. I averaged 7:54 minute miles. Knuckles to Crossfit!

It was also helpful to be running with fast friends. I kept up with a few of them for the first k and then at least tried to keep them in sight. I did get passed by a woman pushing a stroller of triplets!! She was sprinting. I think she came in the top three overall for women. A couple of women with at least a decade or two on me also whipped my hiney. I want to be like them when I grow up. I need to get the cool compression knee high socks. Maybe that would make me even faster.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Insane New Year’s Resolution to Me

Here's our team. I was just cheering at this event. Now I'm dumb enough to attempt to train with them.

So I decided to join my gym’s affiliate team, the Black Sheep. Aptly named since our gym is only a couple of years old, and we are outsiders from some tiny little town in Southern Utah who have a long way to go from “weak little black sheep.” Baaa, baaa. Crossfitters have their own celebrities--names that make other crossfitters go oooh, aaaah—and we are not among those elite. We are “up and comers,” a team “under construction.” We are having a “building year.”  (A team of air quotes.) Some of the people on our team are pretty amazing though, and I think they could join the celebrity ranks. My trainer, Robin Lyons, may already be in those ranks. Have you ever heard her name at a cocktail party?

The affiliate team is made up of three men and three women who compete against other teams at Crossfit events. Don’t worry, I’m not delusional. I’m not planning on actually being one of the members of the six-person team. I am an emergency-only alternate at best, and really just someone who is willing to work out with the team and try to take it up a level. For me for now, that will mean two extra workouts a week and a sweatshirt with a sheep on it.